Amantha Tsaros

Exuberant Abstract Paintings


Tsaros is a native of Massachusetts. She earned a BFA and MFA from the School of Visual Arts, New York, NY. Her influences include Corita Kent, Florine Stettheimer and NECCO. Recent exhibits include “Excessive Exuberance” at the Munroe Center for the Arts and “Seething Optimism” at Jerome Street Studios. She is a member of the Cambridge Art Association.

Artist Statement


These are bold, loud, opinionated works of optimism that grow out of my passionate desire to drown out the negativity and darkness and absurd bullying that are heaped on us at an ever-increasing rate and ear-splitting volume.

With color, paint and bold brush strokes, I want to trample darkness with Love. Joy. Optimism and Happiness. My paintings are a dare to overtake the forces that repress us and to rise up and dominate with positivity.

Every painting and every color choice is a bold statement, telling the world that I am not neutral: I side with inclusivity, diversity and love.

I approach each painting as a celebration of life - seeking out colors and shapes that express joy, happiness or overcoming hardship. Often choosing a candy-colored palette brings a reminder of sweet joys of childhood. Vibrant pinks and greens are a reminder that joy is ahead.

I begin each painting with a bold and energetic brush stroke or shape that will inform the overall composition of the finished work. My brushes and painting tools range from large traditional art brushes to simple house painting brushes and sponges. Layering colors and shapes over and alongside each other creates an energetic field of forms that work together in wild harmony.